Center for Bible, Faith and Mission
The Center for Bible, Faith and Mission was established to explore ways of integrating biblical studies with concerns facing the church. It is an outreach program of the Walla Walla University School of Theology.
Reasons for the Center for Bible, Faith and Mission
First of all, the School of Theology senses the importance of continuing and committed Bible Study. Scripture provides our religious and theological starting point and its study deserves our best efforts.
Secondly, we recognize the ongoing and increasingly urgent need for interdisciplinary study of issues that confront modern society as well as the church. No single discipline can adequately address the multifaceted issues we face today. This means that only an integrated approach, one that takes seriously the religious, cultural, sociological, historical, and psychological dimensions of human existence, can best meet the needs of our complex global village.
Thirdly, all segments of the church -- laity, clergy, scholars -- need to be a part of the conversation and creative interchange.
The people behind the CBFM
Members of the School of Theology faculty bring to the Institute a unique blend of personalities, backgrounds, and expertise along with a vigorous spirit of honest inquiry and deep pastoral care. An emphasis on biblical studies has long been a strong tradition for teachers at Walla Walla University. Add to this faculty training in areas of systematic theology, ethics, missions, world religions and cultures, archaeology, spirituality, worship, and practical religion and one has a broad-based foundation for constructive, interdisciplinary conversation and investigation. Many of the faculty have taught or worked in foreign countries, as well, and have experienced different cultures first hand. They are anxious to help provide an opportunity for interchange and involvement in the process of exploring and responding to these issues.
The Portland connection and beyond
A group of interested church members in the Portland area approached the School of Theology about supporting a series of relevant and significant theological discussions in Portland. Funding for an additional theology teacher at the University is raised each year in order to free up the theology staff to prepare and present the seminars. The group's goals have been to encourage discussions of this nature in the Portland area and to secure ongoing financial support for the series. Now we have expanded beyond Portland to hold seminars throughout the northwest. Hopefully this will allow for wider theological conversations and a broader base for funding.
The Center for Bible, Faith, and Mission seeks to explore the understanding, relevance, and application of Scripture in our world today through:
- Seminars at local churches by School of Theology Faculty and invited guests
- Speaking appointments on campus and in local churches by School of Theology Faculty
- Good Word Sabbath School Commentary (radio and on-line)
- On-campus lectures by noted Christian presenters
- Midweek Meditation
- Annual Conferences
For more information about the CBFM and about supporting the institute, contact:
Walla Walla University—School of Theology
204 S. College Ave.
College Place, WA 99324(509) 527-2194
(509) 527-2945 (fax)